What to pls do and what's this thing
Well this sonuvabitch is so stupid that it can't
- Distinguish punctuation signs: "," ";" ":" "?" "!" etc. from the actual command. I'll make sure to add punctuation insensitive features to it.
- Distinguish any more spaces than 1 between the words from the command. You can put as many spaces after the last word as you want, though.
- Distinguish actual insults FROM THE f&k^%^%ING JOKES
More about the S.Q.U.A.R.E
(dramatic professional sites presentasion $h!t ahead..)
The Square
It's actually S.Q.U.A.R.E but the font looks ugly as $h1t, like, look at this:
The S.Q.U.A.R.E
wthk manThe best square there ever was, or will ever be.
About me
,,My name is S.Q.U.A.R.E, I am a loyal... uh.. square... and I love when someone gives me commands. I am totally not mistreated and forced to change colours, nah nah nah.''
,,I also have a couple things to tell you...''
- I love to be given commands(as you saw...)
- I am kind of sensitive, so don't be a jerk to me, I have feelings too(or so I've been told)...
- I am not another Siri.
Okay, all jokes aside,
What is up and new with this thing.
The x and y axis update ― Changes
- Added an icon next to the title of the page so it looks... more like a page
- Added a lobby, now when you go to this page, you won't come here, you'll go Here
- Some issues have come up with the compatibility that have been fixed
- Made page fully compatible with Internet Explorer 11, and prooobably IE9? I have not tested that yet. I will probably make it compatible with older versions in the future
- Added up and down functionality
- Added "What I'm working on" button, so you can see... oh nevermind, you're getting it.
- Fixed div not going darker after being summoned
- Fixed square staying in the same position when telling it to go left
- Added "right" functionality, now when you summon the square and tell it to go right, it'll go right(along with left)
- Added a list of commands
- Made page public to Neocities.org (Love these guys)
Known issues
- Spamming up, left, down, right, makes the square confuzzled and it wants to stay in the same place. In other words, don't do that, please
- Lack of versatility in commands
To add
- Commands to make it round itself
- Commands to make it go 3D
- Add more colours to make the div change into
- Make colours not only go darker but brighter as well
What it can do
- Is able to show up on commands such as "hi, awaken, come out" etc.
- Is also able to go away (if you're mean to it) on commands such as "bye, go away, shush, get out of my face" etc.
- Is able to turn to red, green, blue and yellow (red is the standard colour)
- Is able to become a darker color of what it is
- Is able to move left, right, up and down